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2019 London DRIVENxDESIGN倫敦設計獎 銀獎

Dec / 17 / 2019 - Awrads

天硯設計INKSCAPE DESIGN以自宅作品榮獲建築設計Architecture-Mixed Use-International類「2019 London DRIVENxDESIGN倫敦設計獎 銀獎」



DRIVENxDESIGN is a global community of designers, thinkers, strategists and design lovers with over 75,000 members, 5,000 brands and 1,500 studios which come together to innovate, accelerate and grow demand for design.

The DRIVENxDESIGN Annual Awards provide recognition across the design spectrum and are open to design professionals, as well as those who commission design.The awards are cross-disciplinary, and are currently held across three continents. They celebrate and honour the role of design and the skills of designers, while recognising all aspects of the design process, including product, digital, interiors, architecture, graphic, textile, events, fashion, advertising, food, experience, and publications.